Consultancy for the construction of the Santa Julia Bridge.


Project Objectives

The general aim is to carry out a bridge construction project in accordance with current standards, taking into account a new location and including fluvial works and the works required to improve access to the bridge, transversal artworks, longitudinal drainage, signals and road safety.

  • Contractor investment

    $ 2,788,856,526

  • Time frame (Start and end of project)

    10th of May 2019 – 16th September 2020

  • Consultancy Investment

    $ 269.777.752

  • Time frame (Start and End of Consulting)

    6th of June 2019 – 27th of November 2020

  • Funding

    Sector funds


Santa Julia Bridge

Access to the bridge


During the handover of the land, a medium voltage line from the CGE electric company was seen parallel to the bridge works and close to the place where the foundation piles were supposed to go. This meant that conditions were unsafe for the piling machine due to the risk of an electric current. Because of this, it was put to Inspection that the bridge axis be moved four metres east. This movement meant adjusting the northern and southern access axis to the rest of the road with a smooth transition which also meant adjusting the art works. This proposition was accepted by the Bridge and Engineering Department in Valparaiso and by the Fiscal Inspection.

Taking the change of ground plan and elevation geometry into account and the change in standards that the new works would generate, it was suggested to Inspection that the project be complemented with road safety elements that would allow speed control and protect pedestrians, neighbours, children and users.

The northern access to the bridge was on a slope, leaving the school playgrounds in a hollow without any possibility of draining the area. Because of this, it was suggested that a covered drainage ditch to the Petorca River could be added to solve the issue of draining rain waters and this solution was approved.

Because of the drought in the area and the fact that it was impossible for the Council to upkeep green areas, it was suggested to Fiscal Inspection that the planting of bushes and greenery be removed from the landscaping, leaving just the part that could be built with stonework. This was redistributed according to utility and taking into account the school zone.

At 1,060 Dm there is access to a secondary road towards the town of Canelillo. Because the area of expropriated land was not wide enough, the design of a cantilever wall was suggested to the Fiscal Inspection. It was 30 metres long and 3.50 m high.

The project also included the improvement of the rural drinking water route in the stretch where the project was being developed, between 0.900 and 1.400 dm.

All the proposals for changing the layout of the axis of the road, the final positioning of the bridge and for the previously described improvements were drawn up with Consultancy staff. Furthermore, all the documents, plans and volume calculations were prepared in order to present the Fiscal Inspector with the necessary paperwork for the two modifications. .

  • Complementary Works

    The project involved some complementary works such as:

    • Signalling and Road Safety: All the necessary elements were considered to make sure that road users and pedestrians could circulate safely and freely. Special vertical and surface road signs were added in the school zone.
    • Drainage: The project had the necessary drainage devices to evacuate surface rainwater, such as Type A Curbs, ditches, funnels, drainpipes, drains and infiltration trenches.
    • Special Projects: Service changes in the drinking water network, the bridge lighting project and the landscaping project were also contemplated.


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